
蝴蝶豆属种质苗期抗旱性鉴定研究 被引量:4

Identification of drought resistance of Centrosema pubescens Benth at seedling stage
摘要 通过盆栽试验对20份蝴蝶豆采用苗期干旱胁迫-复水法进行抗旱性评价,观察了叶片的萎蔫过程和复水后的恢复状况,并测定了相对电导率(REC)、游离脯氨酸(Pro)含量、丙二醛(MDA)含量、叶绿素SPAD值、叶片相对含水量(RWC)、土壤含水量等指标。结果表明,在干旱胁迫下,随着干旱胁迫天数的增加,电导率和脯氨酸随之增加,叶片含水量与土壤含水量随之降低,丙二醛呈现先降低后升高的趋势,叶绿素无明显变化,复水后,各指标又能恢复至胁迫初期状态。对干旱胁迫9 d后测定的指标进行隶属函数分析,综合评价表明抗旱性较强的种质有CIAT5006、CIAT5627、050319012、020411050、060306037蝴蝶豆。 By spot experiment,the drought resistance of 20 Centrosema pubescens Benth at seedling stage was evaluated by means of drought stress-rehydration,and the blade wilting and recovery process after rehydration was observed,electrical conductivity rate(REC),proline(Pro) content,malondialdehyde(MDA) content,chlorophyll content,water content of leaves(WC)and soil water content were deterted. The results showed that,under drought stress,with the increase of stress time,REC and Pro content increased,while chlorophyll content,water content of leaves(WC)and soil water content decreased;MDA content firstly increased then decreased and chlorophyll content had no significant change. After rehydration,all these indicators regained their original state. According to the comprehensive evaluation of the Subordinate function analysis on indicators under drought stress on the 9th day,the following C. pubescens Benth had stronger stress resistance :CIAT5006,CIAT5627,050319012,020411050,060306037.
出处 《广东农业科学》 CAS 2015年第24期66-73,共8页 Guangdong Agricultural Sciences
基金 农业部物种资源保护项目 农业部现代农业人才支撑计划项目"热带牧草创新与利用" 农业部"948"重点项目
关键词 蝴蝶豆 苗期 干旱胁迫 综合评价 Centrosema pubescens Benth seedling stage drought stress comprehensive evaluation
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