

The Temporal Reference in English and Its Meaning Construction——A Book Review on Language and Time
摘要 本文对Vyvyan Evans的专著《语言与时间》进行介评,指出该书重点探讨了英语中时间参照的实质、时间参照框架以及LCCM理论下的语义建构机制在时间概念表征中的运作。这些关于时间域的认知研究强调时间经验的直接体验性和语言系统本身强大的阐释力,一定程度上颠覆了以往对时空关系和概念隐喻的认识。 This paper gives a review of Language and Time authored by Vyvyan Evans. The book discusses the nature of temporal reference, temporal frames of reference in English and the application of meaning construction mechanism put forward by the Theory of Lexical Concepts and Cognitive Models(LCCM Theory). It assumes that time is directly experienced and equal consideration should be given to linguistic system to account for the representation of temporal conceptions, which to some extent gives rise to the rethinking of time-space relationship and the role conceptual metaphor plays in language understanding.
作者 李勇忠 白黎
出处 《外国语文研究》 2016年第2期107-111,共5页 Foreign Language and Literature Research
基金 教育部人文社科研究规划基金项目"多模态语篇的认知叙事学研究"(13YJAZH049) 全国高校外语教学科研项目"叙事语篇的认知修辞学研究"(2014JC0002A)的阶段成果
关键词 时间参照 LCCM理论 意义建构 时空关系 概念隐喻 temporal reference LCCM Theory meaning construction time-space relationship conceptual metaphor
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