
欧洲难民危机中德国的应对与政策调整 被引量:17

European Refugee Crisis:The German Solution and its Policy Adjustments
摘要 在2015年的欧洲难民危机中,德国采取了欢迎难民的宽松政策,慷慨接纳了100万难民登记申请。但德国过高估计了自身解决难民问题的能力,也过低估计了许多欧盟成员国的不合作态度。空前的难民潮令德国政府承受着巨大的内外政治压力,对现有避难体系提出了严峻挑战。为了化解危机,德国政府采取了一系列政策调整与应对措施:新增安全来源国限制避难条件,采用模式创新加快难民审批程序;缓解各州与地方安置压力;以法治国家原则打击犯罪行为;加强融入教育及就业体系;寻求欧盟共同解决方案并加强外部合作;致力于消除造成难民危机的冲突和战争根源等。德国人道安置难民、倡导"欢迎文化"的实践,正引导德国日趋发展成为开放的现代移民国家。 In the European refugee crisis in 2015, Germany adopted a tolerant policy of welcome culture and generously accepted one million refugees. But Germany not only overestimated its ability to solve the refugee problem, but also underestimated the uncooperative attitude of many EU member states. Unprecedented flux of refugees put the German government under enormous internal and external political pressure and also challenged the existing asylum system. To defuse the crisis, the German government adopted a series of countermeasures and policy adjustments: adding new safe countries of origin to impose more asylum restraints; using model innovation to accelerate the approval process for asylum applications; disburdening refugee resettlement of federal states and local governments; fighting against criminal acts with the principle of the rule of law; fostering the integration of refugees into education and employment system; seeking common solutions within the EU and strengthening external cooperation; eliminating the causes of refugee crises such as conflicts and wars. The German government's humanitarian resettlement of refugees and its practice of "welcome culture" are leading Germany to become an open and modern immigration country.
作者 伍慧萍
出处 《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期1-8,共8页 Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 同济大学“欧洲当下重大政治经济社会事件对于一带一路战略的影响及应对”研究项目(1100219118)
关键词 欧洲难民危机 德国 避难政策 安全来源国 人道安置 现代移民国家 European refugee crisis Germany Asylum policy Safe country of origin Humanitarianresettlement Modern immigration country
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