莱钢特钢采用50 tEAF-50 tLF-60 tVD-CC工艺生产含硼钢,通过对电炉终点成分、精炼调铝喂钛脱氧固氮、VD真空前加硼铁合金化、VD真空处理含硼钢水和连铸全保护浇注等关键环节的控制,实现了钢中B含量的稳定控制。结果表明,当钢中[Al]在0.020%~0.040%、[Ti]在0.025%~0.040%时,硼含量稳定控制在0.002 0%~0.002 5%,收得率稳定在90%以上。
The boron steel is produced using 50 tEAF—50 tLF—60 tVD—CC technology in Laiwu Steel special steel plant. The content of boron in steel can be controlled stably by controlling the refining end point composition, aluminum deoxidation, feed titanium for nitrogen-fixing, VD vacuum treat boron steel and casting etc. The results show that, when [Al] is 0.020%-0.040% in steel, [Ti] is 0.025%-0.040%, boron content in steel is stably controlled in 0.002 0%-0.002 5%, and the stable rate is above 90%.
Shandong Metallurgy