
民机驾驶舱中触摸屏设备应用的工效学探讨 被引量:11

Ergonomics Discussion on Application of Touch Screen in Civil Cockpit
摘要 触摸屏设备已广泛应用于各个领域,为触摸屏技术应用于民机驾驶舱的显控设备提供了可能。从触摸屏设备的技术特点出发,详细分析了触摸屏技术在民机驾驶舱内的潜在应用可能性及其工效学问题,对比分析了触摸屏技术与其他控制方式的操作绩效。结果表明:是否适宜采用触摸屏技术取决于控制设备的执行任务。以期该研究对触摸屏技术应用于民机驾驶舱及其工效学设计考虑提供理论支持和技术参考。 Touch screen has been widely used in various areas of life,which make its application of display &control device possible in the civil cockpit.Meanwhile there must be some subsequent issues about ergonomic when the touch screen is applied in cockpit,thus several analyses and research related should be done.The characteristics of the touch screen are demonstrated,based on which the possibility and the ergonomics of the application in civil cockpit are analyzed,which reveals that using the touch screen or not depend on the mission of control equipment.Finally,comparative analysis of performance is made with other control methods.It is expected that this paper can provide a theoretic support and technology reference for application and ergonomic design consideration of touch screen in the civil cockpit.
出处 《航空工程进展》 CSCD 2016年第1期112-119,共8页 Advances in Aeronautical Science and Engineering
关键词 民机驾驶舱 触摸屏 显控设备 工效学 civil cockpit touch screen display &control device ergonomics
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