

Textual Research on “San Gui” in The Analects of Confucius
摘要 "三归",指管仲所封的三处采邑。其依据是:1.《晏子春秋·内篇杂下》中的《晏子老辞邑景公不许致车一乘而后止》与《外篇》中的《景公称桓公之封管仲益晏子邑辞不受》记叙的是一件事。前者说管仲"赏之以三归""泽及子孙",后者则言"予管仲狐与谷,其县十七""以为其子孙赏邑";前者言"欲为夫子三归,泽至子孙,",后者言"今为夫子赏邑,通之子孙"。2.《荀子·仲尼》:"齐桓公有天下之大节焉,……倓然见管仲之能足以托国也,……与之书社三百,而富人莫之敢距也。"比较《韩非子·外储说左下》:"管仲相齐,曰:‘臣贵矣,然而臣贫。’桓公曰:‘使子有三归之家。’"因此,"三归"可能是管仲原有封邑再加上"狐与谷"。 "San gui"refers to the three fiefs granted to Guan Zhong based on the following reasons. Firstly,according to the Yanzi Spring and Autumn: Second Section of Miscellany in the Main Part,an article says"when Yanzi got old,he submitted his resignation,but Duke Jing of QI refused…"; another article reads: "Duke Jing said Duke Huan granted fiefs to Guan Zhong…"in the part of Supplement. The same fiefs were mentioned here. In the first article,"the Duke granted san gui to Guan Zhong""to benefit his offsprings",and in the second,"The Duke gave Guan Zhong the land of Hu and Gu,including 17 counties""as fiefs for his children and grandchildren". In the first article,"I want to grant san gui to you to benefit your offspring"and in the second,"now I grant him fiefs to be inherited by his children and grandchildren". Secondly,according to Hsun- Tzu: Zhongni,"Duke Huan of Qi knew the rules of government….He saw Guan Zhong's ability to handle state affairs … and granted him three hundred shes( a measurement of land) of registered land and people,and no rich dared to show hostility. "Similarly,in Han Fei Tzu: Part Waichu Zuoxia,"Guan Zhong,as prime minister of State Qi,said‘I am granted noble titles,but I am poor'. Duke Huan replied,‘I will grant your children home of san gui'". Therefore,"san gui"should refer to the fiefs of "Hu","Gu",plus Guan Zhong's originally owned fief.
作者 杨逢彬 李瑞
机构地区 上海大学文学院
出处 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期138-140,共3页 Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 《论语》 “三归” 采邑 狐与谷 The Analects of Confucius san gui fief Hu and Gu
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  • 1程树德.论语集释[M].j匕京:中华书局,1990:297-212. 被引量:1
  • 2程水金.管氏"三归"进解兼论管仲知礼而孔子责备于贤者[J].学鉴,2012:173-182. 被引量:1








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