以长粒品种‘三粒寸'‘IAC1246'‘JAPPENI TUNGKUNGO'和‘MIGA'作为供体亲本,以优良选系SAGC-4作为受体亲本,进行杂交和连续回交,利用GS3基因的功能性分子标记SF28进行BC_1F_1和BC_2F_1的分子标记辅助选择。在不同BC_2F_1单株派生的BC_2F_2分离群体中,观察到粒长性状的典型双峰分布或单峰连续分布。结合田间农艺性状考察,选出89个具备细长粒型且综合农艺性状良好的单株,其中4个优良单株的平均粒长从原始受体亲本的8.32 mm增加至9.84 mm左右,平均长宽比由原来的2.61增加至3.00。结果表明:GS3基因具有控制粒长和长宽比的较大遗传效应,对该基因进行分子标记辅助选择可快速改良亲本的粒型性状。
Four donor parental lines with long grain shape,' SANLICUN',' IAC1246 ',' JAPPENI TUNGKUNGO' and ' MIGA',were crossed with a promising indica rice line SAGC-4 as the recipient parent,followed by continuous backcrosses.Marker-assisted selection was conducted in both BC_1F_1 and BC_2F_1 generations by using the CAPs marker SF28 of GS3 gene.Segregation of grain length showed typical bimodal or continuous distributions in BC_2F_2 populations.A set of 89 individuals were selected based on both grain shape and visual inspection on other agronomic traits.Among them,4 promising individuals had average grain length of 9.84 mm and length/width ratio of 3.00,in comparison to 8.32 mm and 2.61 of the original recipient parent,respectively.The results indicated that GS3 gene had large genetic effects on both grain length and length/width ratio.Markerassisted selection of the gene could accelerate the improvement of rice grain shape.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai