
追寻与重生:《赫索格》的神话—原型解读 被引量:2

Quest and Revival: Interpretation of Hezog from the Mythological Perspective
摘要 索尔·贝娄的代表作《赫索格》中蕴含丰富的神话元素。以弗莱的神话原型批评理论为视角分析,《赫索格》在人物模式和叙事模式上分别是对《圣经》中古代英雄摩西和耶稣复活的移位,体现了追寻与重生两大母题:追寻是对人类信仰丧失,精神死亡状态的证伪;重生则意味着人类走出精神困境,重塑自我。追寻是重生的前奏,重生是追寻的结果。追寻与重生,互相交融,贯通全书,表现了作者对现代社会人类发展命运的思考,体现了作者肯定的社会伦理观。 Saul Bellow's masterpiece Herzog is analyzed with the archetypal literary criticism theory. In terms of charactertype and narrative design,the novel derives its archetypes respectively from antique heroes Moses and Jesus Resurrection,which reflects two motifs: quest and revival. The motif,quest,confirms the state of loss of faith and death of spirit in the human world while the revival refers to extrication of human beings from spiritual predicament and to the rebuilding of themselves and the whole human world as well. Thus the quest is the prelude to the revival and the revival is the consequence of the quest. The two items,mingling together and threading through the whole novel,express the writer's meditation on future development of the human world and his positive concept of social ethics.
作者 王香玲
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期73-77,共5页 Foreign Language Education
基金 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目"修辞叙事学视域下的索尔.贝娄小说的伦理指向"(项目编号:15JK01604) 西安外国语大学科研基金"浪漫主义的传承与嬗变--索尔.贝娄小说<赫索格>主题与形式探析"(项目编号:14XWB04)的阶段性成果
关键词 神话原型批评 人物模式 叙事模式 追寻 重生 archetypal criticism character-type narrative design quest revival
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  • 8其主要代表人物有;Keith Opdahl (1967), M. Gilbert Porter (1974), Brigitte Scheer-Schatzler (1978), Daniel Fuchs (1984),Biyot K. Tripathy (1987), Jonathan Wilson (1990), Ellen Pifer (1990), William Freedman (1999).可参见:Keith M. Opdahl,The Novels of Saul Bdlow: An Introduction (University Park:Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1967); M. Gilbert Porter,Whence the Power? The Artistry and Humanity of Saul Bellow (Columbia: Univ. of Missouri Press, 1974); Brigitte ScheerSchatzler, "Epistemology as a Narrative Device in the Work of Saul Bellow ", Saul Bellow and His Work, ed. Edmond Schraepen (Brussels: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 1978: 103-18); DanielFuchs, Saul Bellow: Vision and Revision (Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Press, 1984); Biyot K. Tripathy, "End-Game: Terminal Configurations in Bellow's Novels", Modern Fiction Studies, 1987(33): 215-36; Jonathan Wilson, Herzog: The Limits of Ideas (Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1990); Ellen Pifer, Saul Bellow:Against the Grain (Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press,1990); William Freedman, "Hanging for Pleasure and Profit:Truth as Necessary Illusion in Bellow's Fiction," Papers on Language and Literature, 1999 (35): 3. 被引量:1
  • 9其主要代表人物有:John J. Clayton (1979), Judie Newman(1984),和AllanChvkin(1989).可参见:John J.Clayton,Saul Bellow: In Defense of Man (Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press,1979), 2nd ed.; Judie Newman, Saul Bellow and History (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1984); Allan Chavkin, "Bellow and English Romanticism", Saul Bellow in the 1980s, ed. Gloria L.Cronin and L. H. Goldman (East Lansing: Michigan State Univ.Press, 1989:67-79). 被引量:1
  • 10L H Goldman,Saul Bellow's Moral Vision:A Cmtical Study of the Jewish Experience(New York..Irvington Publishers,1983),p.116. 被引量:1











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