与传统的有线网络技术相比,作为新兴的网络技术——无线传感器网络技术,拥有许多传统网络技术没有的特点,例如携带方便,可以自由组网扩展,成本低等,因此,在温室测控系统中,新兴的无线传感器网络技术已经逐渐取代了采用现场总线的传统技术,成为设施农业发展的前沿技术。文章介绍了温室WSN(Wireless Sensor Network)测控系统模型,并针对时延与数据丢包率对测控系统造成的影响进行了分析。
Compared with the traditional wired network technology, as an emerging network technology, wireless sensor network technology has many characteristics which traditional network technology does not have, such as easy to car r y, can free network extension, low cost. Therefore, emerging in the greenhouse measurement and control system of wireless sensor network technology has been gradually replaced the traditional fieldbus technology, become the facility agriculture development at the forefront of technology. This paper introduces the greenhouse WSN(Wireless Sensor Network) measurement and control system model, and time delay and data packet loss rate of the effects on the measurement and cont rol system are analyzed.
Wireless Internet Technology