
“京红1号”商品代蛋鸡17~20周龄日粮适宜钙水平的研究 被引量:4

Studies on the Optimum Level of Dietary Calcium for Jinghong Layers during Prelaying Period from 17 to 20 Week Age
摘要 本试验通过研究17~20周龄蛋鸡日粮钙水平对其17~26周龄生产性能的影响,并对敏感指标进行二次曲线回归拟合,确定商品代蛋鸡17~20周龄阶段的日粮适宜钙水平。选用16周龄健康"京红1号"商品代蛋鸡900只,随机分为5个钙水平(0.80%、1.50%、2.20%、2.90%和3.60%)处理,每个处理12个重复。预试期1周饲喂相同的育成鸡饲料;17~20周龄分别饲喂不同钙水平的日粮;21~26周龄饲喂相同产蛋高峰期日粮(钙水平3.6%)跟踪观测其生产性能。结果表明:日粮钙水平对17~26周龄蛋鸡胫长增量、日增重、日产蛋量和蛋品质等指标无显著影响(P〉0.05);2.90%钙水平组17~20周龄的饲料增重比为12.43:1,显著低于其他处理组(P〈0.05);2.90%钙水平组21~26周龄平均蛋重高于其余处理组,且达到显著水平(P〈0.05);采用敏感指标不合格蛋率为因变量,日粮钙水平为自变量,拟合二次曲线得到日粮最佳钙水平为2.74%。结合剂量反应法以及回归法可得到京红蛋鸡预产蛋期(17~20周龄)日粮最佳钙水平为2.74%~2.90%,或者表示为钙的只日需要量2.51~2.66 g/d。 The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of different calcium(Ca) levels of 17 to 20 week-old diets on productive performance of Jinghong layers during 17 to 26 week-old. Quadric regression curve analysis based on Interested index between different calcium levels was conducted to obtain the optimal calcium level of layers of 17 to 20 week-old. A total of 900 pullets(16 weeks of age) were randomly divided into 5 groups with 12 replicates of 15 birds. The corn-soybean based diets contained five levels of calcium(Ca)(0.80, 1.50, 2.20, 2.90, 3.60% on air dry basis), and contents of all other nutrients were equal and satisfied the requirement of birds. The experiment consisted of 11 weeks with a 1-week adaptation period fed by same pullet diet with calcium level of 0.80%, a 4-week test period fed by treatment diets with different calcium levels respectively, and 6-week observation period fed by same laying hen diet with calcium level of 3.60%. Results showed that the differences between treatments were not significant(P〉0.05) on tibia growth, average daily gain, daily egg yield and egg quality. The treatment group of 2.90%calcium level had the lowest feed-weight ratio(12.43:1) during 17 to 20 week age( P〈0.05) and significantly higher average egg weight during 21 to 26 week age than others(P〈0.05). There was a significant quadric relationship between the calcium levels and unqualified egg rate( P〈0.05), and the optimum calcium level with the lowest unqualified egg rate was 2.74%. It was concluded that the dietary recommendation calcium level is 2.74% to 2.90%for Jinghong layers during prelaying period from 17 to 20 weeks of age, or expressed as daily calcium requirement is2. 51g/d to 2.66 g/d.
出处 《中国畜牧杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第5期44-49,共6页 Chinese Journal of Animal Science
基金 现代农业产业技术体系建设项目“蛋鸡营养需要与饲养标准”(CARS-41-K15)
关键词 京红蛋鸡 预产蛋期 钙需要量 生产性能 Jinghong layers prelaying period calcium requirement production performance
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