
利益相关者视角下图书馆参与科学数据管理的分析 被引量:32

Analysis of the Library's Participation in Scientific Data Management From the Perspective of Stakeholders
摘要 [目的 /意义]从利益相关者的视角出发,将图书馆作为科学数据管理的核心角色,分析其与利益相关机构的利益关系,为图书馆开展科学数据管理业务实践提出可行的策略建议。[方法/过程]立足于利益相关者分析法,构建以图书馆为核心包括科研机构、政府及公共部门、政策制定机构、基金管理组织、数据库商和出版商在内的科学数据管理利益相关者模型,并运用"权力-利益"矩阵分析各利益相关机构的地位权重。[结果/结论]提出图书馆应设立科学数据管理服务部门、开展科学数据管理业务培训、提供科学数据管理指导工具、发挥枢纽作用协同利益相关机构共同参与的建议。 [ Purpose/significance ] From the view of stakeholders, this paper puts the library as the core role of scientific data management, analyzes its relationship with the interests of stakeholders, in order to carry out propose feasible strategies for the library of participating scientific data management practices. [ Method/process ] Based on stakeholder analysis, this paper constructs a scientific data management stakeholder model which library is the core, including scientific research institutions, data center, government departments, policy making institutions, fund management organization, database publishers, and uses the "power interests" matrix to analyze the status of the relevant agencies. [ Result/conclusion ] This paper puts forward suggestions that the library could set up scientific data management document, carry out scientific data management business training programs, provide scientific data management tools and strengthen cooperation with other stakeholders.
作者 黄如花 赖彤
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期21-25,89,共6页 Library and Information Service
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"开放数据下公共信息资源再利用体系的重构研究"(项目编号:71373195) 武汉大学与中国科技信息研究所合作项目"科学文献的语义功能识别与深度利用"研究成果之一
关键词 利益相关者分析 图书馆服务 科学数据管理 stakeholder analysis library service scientific data management
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