

Atypical Liver Abscess: Diagnosis and Differentiation (Report of 4 Cases and Review of Literature)
摘要 本文报道4例非典型化脓性肝脓肿,均因在BUS和CT检查时发现为实质性占位病变而被误诊为肝癌。文章回顾了肝脓肿在诊断治疗方面的进展,提出近年来肝脓肿的非典型病例有增加趋势,应引起临床的重视。对CT、BUS、肝动脉造影和诊断性肝穿刺在肝脓肿时的诊断价值作了评价,并讨论了非典型肝脓肿和肝癌的鉴别诊断问题。 Reseach Unit of Hepato-Bilio-Pancreatology, West China University of Medical Sciences, Chengdu This paper reported 4 cases of atypical pyogenic liver abscess which were misled as hep- atic carcinoma because they appeared solid space--accupying lesion on CT scan and BUS examination. Current development of the diagnosis and treatment of liver abscess were reviewed. There was a evident tendency that the cases of atypical liver abscess had been increasing. In this paper,BUS, CT,hepatic angiography and diagnostic percutenous hepatic aspiration were evaluated and the differential diagnosis of atypical liver abscess and liver cancer was discussed.s
出处 《华西医讯》 北大核心 1989年第1期79-81,共3页
关键词 肝脓肿 肝癌 BUS CT
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