
高速环境下智慧动态监测系统的设计与实现 被引量:5

Design and Implementation of Intelligent Dynamic Monitoring System in High-speed Environment
摘要 高速铁路因其快速、经济、方便和安全等特性,逐渐成为人们出行方式的首选;移动互联网的兴起使乘客随时随地接入互联网的需求更加迫切。然而,高速移动环境下高效接入互联网仍是一个重大难题。针对高铁沿线基站覆盖密度小、小区切换频繁等特点,在利用现有网络资源的基础上,文中提出了应用于高速环境下的智慧动态监测系统。该系统主要分为几个子系统,其中多模链路子系统将底层异构网络资源抽象成相同的组件,便于统一管理;链路监测子系统,通过对网络状态的监测和维护,自动处理网络的水平切换和垂直切换问题,配合其他模块的应用,能够有效提高有限网络资源的利用率。经多次在高铁实际环境下的测试,系统具有较高的可行性、实用性和稳定性。 Because of its high-speed, economy, convenience and safety, the high-speed railway gradually becomes the first choice for people to travel. With the development of the mobile Internet and smart terminals, the demand for passengers' access to the Internet is more and more urgent. However,surfing the Internet efficiently on the high-speed railway is still a major problem. Considering small-density of base stations and frequent handover,the intelligent dynamic monitoring system based on the existing network resources is proposed,which is designed to apply to the high-speed environment. The system contains several subsystems. The multi-path subsystem is designed to make heterogeneous network homogeneous. Through monitoring and maintaining the network state, automatically handling with the horizontal and vertical handover for network,the limited network resource utilization can be increased. The tested results in the actual high-speed railway prove that the intelligent dynamic monitoring system is feasible,practical and stable.
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2016年第3期5-8,共4页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 国家"973"重点基础研究发展计划项目(2013CB329100) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2014JBM004 2015JBM001) 北京高等学校青年英才计划项目(YETP0534)
关键词 高速 移动 智慧 动态监测 high-speed mobile intelligence dynamic monitoring
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