生物传感器是在生物技术中应用的一种特定的装置。它利用生物物质(酶、蛋白质、DNA、抗原、抗体、生物膜等)作为识别元件,将生化反应转变成可定量的理化信号,从而能进行生命物质与化学物质的检测和监控。1962年迄今,生物传感器在生命科学领域获得蓬勃发展,每年世界总产值已跃升至130亿美元。为保证患者注射后的安全,生物制药要求的纯度很高,必须设计灵敏度高、能检出产品微量或迹量杂质的监测方法。已根据电极运用建成三种不同的传感器平台:电容生物传感器(capacitive biosensor)、表面胞质团共振(surface plasmon resonance,SPR)传感器与石英晶体微平衡器(quartz crystal microbalance,QCM)。近10年来,随着纳米技术的创新问世,已将生命物质的检测推进到纳米级的单细胞分析。利用光学技术、电学方法、原子力显微镜检(AFM)和纳米级操作,能窥知单个活细胞的纳米比例功能。关于生物传感器的应用已日益拓宽,其器械设置多种多样,对心血管疾病、糖尿病、内分泌病和遗传病可进行个体化追踪,即出现了"个体化医学"。对生物传感器的远景设想,本文亦提出初步探讨。
Biosensor is a kind of specific device. Using biomaterials(enzyme, protein, DNA, antigen, antibody and biomembranes, etc) as recognition elements, it can convert the biochemical reactions into quantitative physico-chemical signals to estimate and monitor the living materials and chemical substance. Several decades have passed since 1962, remarkable progress of biosensors achieved in many fields of life sciences, their world-wide annual sales are worth about US $ 13 billion. For the guarantee of safety after injection into patients, high purity of biopharmaceuticals is required. Therefore, it is necessary to design certain highly sensitive assay methods for monitoring minute or trace impurities. Then three different sensor platforms based on electrode application have been established: capacitive biosensors, surface plasmon resonance(SPR) sensors and quartz crystal microbalance(QCM). In recent 10 years, accompanying the innovation and emergence of nanotechnology, detection of the living materials has been pushed forward to a level of single cell analysis at the nano-scale. Optic techniques, electrical methods, atomic force microscopy(AFM) and nano-scale operation are utilized to reveal the nano-scale functions of single living cells. The applications of biosensors have been extended through various types of improved devices. The patients with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, endocrine and genetic diseases can be followed-up in personalized patterns, namely "personalized medicine" appeared. In addition, the perspective of biosensor exploitation is also briefly discussed.
Chemistry of Life
biosensors and their applications
three different sensor platforms
single cell analysis