以桑树(Morus alba)雌雄幼苗为实验材料,采用水培法种植植株,将同龄单培雌雄植株及混培雌雄植株的根系分泌物水溶液分别倒入不同处理组(对照组不作处理),研究了不同来源的根系分泌物对受体雌雄植株生长和分配的影响。结果显示:桑树单培雌雄植株的根系分泌物促进了异性受体植株的生长和干物质积累,导致受体雌株的株高、基径、叶面积和根、茎、叶生物量以及受体雄株的根、茎生物量显著增加,雌株的增加幅度大于雄株。与对照相比,雌/雄株的株高、基径、叶面积以及根、茎、叶生物量分别增加了107%/31%、164%/41%、94%/31%、349%/52%、216%/53%和86%/43%。除雌株根系生物量和根冠比增加外,混培雌雄植株的根系分泌物对受体雌雄植株大部分生长和生物量性状均无显著影响。这些结果表明,不同来源的根系分泌物对受体桑树雌雄植株生长发育的影响不同。这种由根系分泌物引起的差异可能是雌雄植株间相互作用的一种机制。
To investigate effects on the growth and biomass allocation of male and female Morus alba seedlings by its root exudates from different origins, the seedlings were exposed to liquid medium containning the root exudates from single-planted seedlings of opposite sex or companion-planted seedlings(a male and a female), and the group without treatment was the control. All the plants were of the same age. The results show that the growth and dry matter accumulation of male and female seedlings were promoted by the root exudates from the opposite sex. In treatment of the exudates from the opposite sex, height, base diameter, leaf area, and biomasses of roots, stems and leaves of females were significantly increased, and biomasses of stems and roots of males were also significantly increased. Furthermore, the increasing amplitude of females was higher than that of males. Compared with the control, height, basal diameter, leaf area, and biomasses of roots, stems and leaves of females/males were increased by 107%/31%, 164%/41%, 94%/31%, 349%/52%, 216%/53%, and 86%/43%, respectively. However, the growth of seedlings were not facilitated by the exudates from the companion-planted seedlings. In treatment of the exudates from the companion-planted seedlings, most of traits in growth and biomass were not significantly different with those of the control except for root biomass and root-shoot ratio. The results thus suggest that the growth performance of male and female Morus alba seedlings were affected by its root exudates from different origins, and the different effects caused by roots exudates may be an explanation for the interaction of male and female plants.
Plant Physiology Journal