目的:原核表达人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)6型和11型L2 N端融合蛋白,并初步评价其免疫效果。方法:用重叠PCR将HPV6和HPV11次要衣壳蛋白L2基因5'端片段融合,并在大肠杆菌中表达融合蛋白,纯化后与Al(OH)3佐剂配伍肌肉注射免疫BALB/c小鼠,用ELISA检测血清抗体,以基于假病毒的体外中和试验评价中和抗体水平。结果:ELISA结果显示,3种融合蛋白均能产生针对同型别L2蛋白的高滴度特异性Ig G抗体,滴度为1∶10 000~1∶200 000;体外中和试验显示,3种融合蛋白均能诱发中和抗体和交叉中和抗体,针对同型别的滴度最高可达1∶3200,对于高危型能产生一定水平的交叉中和抗体,滴度为1∶50~1∶800。结论:HPV6/11 L2融合蛋白能够诱发较强的体液免疫反应,产生较高的中和抗体及交叉中和抗体,为HPV L2新型预防性疫苗的研究提供了初步的实验基础。
Objective: To assess the immunological efficacy of human papillomavirus(HPV) 6 and 11 bivalent L2 fusion proteins in immunized mice. Methods: We constructed bivalent fusion genes of HPV6/11 L2 5' termi- nus region by overlap PCR. And then, the L2 fusion genes were cloned into the pET9a vector. The proteins were expressed in E.coli. BALB/c mice were immunized with three purified L2 fusion proteins in combination with adju- vant AI(OH)3. The humoral immune response was measured by ELISA and in vitro HPV neutralizing expriment with pseudovirus. Results: The three HPV6/ll bivalent L2 fusion proteins could induce high specific serum lgG antibody titer, which was between 1:10 000 to 1:200 000; and also induce the neutralizing antibody titer against homogeneous and heterologous HPVs tested. The neutralizing antibody titer against homogeneous HPV was between 1:400 to 1:3200. The cross-neutralizing antibody titer against heterologous high risk HPVs pseudovirus was be- tween 1:50 to 1:800. Conclusion: HPV6/11 bivalent L2 fusion protein could induce specific high lgG antibodies and neutralizing and cross-neutralizing antibodies against HPV pseudovirus. This provides valuable experimental da- ta for in-depth study of a low-cost and broad spectrum of HPV L2 prophylactic vaccine.
Letters in Biotechnology