
典型工况下低排放燃烧室的压力振荡特性 被引量:3

Pressure Oscillation Characteristics of Low Emissions Combustor in Typical Conditions
摘要 为了研究低排放燃烧室在典型工况下的压力振荡特性,针对模型燃烧室进行了燃烧自激振荡特性试验。在试验中测量了采用贫油预混预蒸发(LPP)燃烧技术的低排放燃烧室在典型工况下的压力振荡频率和幅值,在燃烧室进口压力为1.10~2.77MPa、燃烧室进口温度为656~845 K、燃烧室压降为3.41%~4.35%范围内,分析了燃油粒径变化对振荡特性的影响。分析结果表明:局部当量比脉动是引发燃烧不稳定的因素之一。通过计算燃油二次雾化状态下的液滴最大粒径,发现燃油液滴粒径的变化对主燃级出口处的局部当量比脉动有直接影响,从而引起燃烧室压力振荡幅值和频率的变化。 In order to study the pressure oscillation characteristics under typical conditions, an experimental study of self-oscillation of a low emissions combustor was conducted. Influence of the droplet size on pressure oscillation characteristics in a low emissions combustor adopts LPP technology was tested. The amplitudes of the pressure oscillation were measured under the operating margins within P=1.10~2.77 MPa, T=656~845 K, and pressure drop of 3.41%~4.35% which were the typical condition. The results show that partially equivalence ratio fluctuation is one of the reason caused the pressure oscillation. The maximum droplet size of the fuel has been calculated by secondary atomization. The changes of fuel droplet size have direct effects on partially equivalence ratio fluctuations of primary outlet,which lead to the changes of pressure oscillation amplitude and frequency.
出处 《航空发动机》 2016年第2期61-66,共6页 Aeroengine
关键词 压力振荡 燃油粒径 局部当量比脉动 低排放燃烧室 贫油预混预蒸发 中心分级 航空发动机 pressure oscillations droplet size partially equivalence ratio fluctuations low emissions combustor LPP internallystaged aeroengine
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