
论海洋陆源污染防治制度的非遵从性 被引量:2

On the Noncompliance of the System of Preventing the Marine Pollution from Land-Based Activities or Resources(MPLBA)
摘要 海洋陆源污染防治涉及广泛的社会利益配置并参与复杂的生态环境进程,其制度在形成与履行中均深受非遵从性所扰。由于海洋生态系统的复杂性与陆源污染防治的艰巨性,致使相关主体的防治动力不足与立场不定,进一步导致制度不被完全遵从或完全不被遵从。这种制度不遵从主要表现为国际法上的履约不能与国内法中的执行不力,除了直接影响防治效果或阻碍防治目标的达成,也可能促成新制度的确立。如何认知与应对海洋陆源污染防治制度的非遵从性,往往取决于一个国家或地区的海洋发展空间与海洋战略发展需求。作为海洋大国,中国应依据国家经济、社会、科技发展与履行能力,对不同海域的制度非遵从性做出明智的选择与应对。 The system of prevention of MPLBA is plagued by noncompliance with regard both to bio-geo- physical processes and their socio-economic costs and benefits. The complexity of marine environmental sys- tems and the enormity of land-based pollution prevention led to the the shortage of the prevention motivation and the uncertainty of governance, which further led to the system not fully complied with or totally not be- ing followed. Besides undermining the integrity and legitimacy of the international environmental treaties, the substantive noncompliance probably causes the ineffectiveness of system-performance in the domestic law, while it may contribute to the establishment of a new system. How to correspond to the noncompliance of the Prevention System of MPLBA often depends on the marine development space and the demand for the development of the marine strategy in one country. As a future marine power, China should make reasona- ble choice to deal with the system noncompliance in different sea areas according to the economy, society, and science and technology development.
作者 戈华清
出处 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期10-20,共11页 Pacific Journal
基金 2011年教育部人文社科青年基金项目"我国陆源污染防治法律制度研究"(11YJC820028) 2014年国家社科基金项目"基于生态系统的海洋陆源污染防治立法研究"(14BFX109)阶段性成果
关键词 海洋陆源污染防治制度 不确定性 非遵从性 the system of preventing the marine pollution from the land-based activities or resources(MPLBA) uncertainty noncompliance
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