
我国地质遗迹资源保育与可持续发展对策研究——欧洲地质公园体系建设的启示和借鉴 被引量:7

Countermeasureson Geological Relic Resources Conservation and Sustainable Development in China—Enlightmentfrom European Geoparks System
摘要 文章对欧洲地质公园网络体系管理机构和建设体系进行分析的基础上,结合我国地质遗迹资源开发和保护的现状及存在的问题,提出我国地质遗迹资源保育的建设性策略:要建立统一的地质遗迹管理机构,创新管理体制,加强资金保证,拓宽融资渠道;要重视地质多样性保护和协调发展,加强地质保育,发展地质旅游;要促进地质遗迹资源产业化发展,开发地学文化产品和服务,重视科普教育;要建立统一的国家公园体系,密切国内地质公园联系,加强国外交流与合作。同时,要加快地质遗迹资源的调查和评价,构建地质遗迹资源可持续发展系统,对其发展态、协调度和永续性进行评价,促进地质遗迹资源可持续发展。 Based on the study of the managementand construction system of European Geoparks Network institutions, combined with the current situation and problems in protection and development of geological heritage resources in China, we put forward constructive strategy on geological heritage resource conservation: Firstly, we should establish a unified geological heritage management agencies, innovatethe management system, strengthen the financial guarantee, broadenfinancing channels; Secondly, we should pay attention to the protectionof geological diversity and harmonious development, strengthen geological conservation, develop the geological tourism; Thirdly, we should promote the industrial development of geological heritage resources, cultural products and services, pay attention to scientific education; Fourthly, we should establish a unified system of national parks, promote close contact among the differentnational geological parks, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with foreign countries. At the same time, we should speed up the investigation and evaluation of geological heritage resources, construct the geological heritage resources system for sustainable development,makethe evaluation of its state of development, coordination and sustainability, in order to achieve the sustainable development of geological heritage resources.
作者 张地珂
出处 《中国国土资源经济》 2016年第2期35-40,共6页 Natural Resource Economics of China
关键词 欧洲地质公园网络 地质遗迹 保育 地质多样性 可持续发展 European Geoparks Network geological heritage conservation geological diversity sustainable development
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