基于嵌入式Linux和QT/E,实现了矩阵键盘在嵌入式应用中的中文输入。硬件上,使矩阵键盘正确连接S3C6410处理器的扫描电路引脚。软件方面,根据电路原理图和键值分配表,在重新配置Linux的相关驱动文件并完成编译移植的基础上,通过修改QT/E的键盘驱动文件完成数字按键的复用设计。最后通过修改并移植输入法Murphy Pinyin的部分源码,在应用程序成功调用了该输入法,并实现了中英文的输入。本文同时给出了编译移植QT/E程序的一般步骤,对嵌入式应用的开发具有一定的借鉴意义。
This paper is based onembedded Linux and QT/E which implements the Chinese input of matrix keyboard in the embedded application. On the hardware side, the scanning circuit pins of the S3C6410 processor and the matrix keyboard are connected correctly. On the software side, the rouse design of digital key can be accomplished by modifying the QT/E keyboard driver file on the basis of the reconfignration of Linux driver file which compile transplantation has been finished, according to the principle of the circuit diagram and the table of key distribution. Finally, the input in both Chinese and English has been accomplished in the way of the modification and transplantation of source code of MurphyPinyin. Simultaneously, this paper provides the common steps of the QT/E programtransplantationwhich have certain reference significance for the development of embedded application.
Electronic Design Engineering