在通信系统中,接收机天线感应到的有用信号强度随机变化。为了确保解调器输入端电平恒定或在较小的范围内变化,该文基于德州仪器公司的VCA810芯片设计了具有80 d B动态范围的70 MHz中频大动态自动增益(AGC)电路。试验结果表明:基于VCA810设计的AGC电路控制精度高、范围宽。
In communication systems, the receiving antenna is sensitive to the intensity of the useful signal which changes randomly. In order to ensure amplitude stability of the received signal, the design method of AGC with 70 MHz intermediate frequency and 80 dB dynamic range using a chip VCA810 which is designed by Texas Instruments Company. The test results show that: this AGC processes with the excellence of high precision control and board range.
Electronic Design Engineering