目的了解云南省血吸虫病流行区钉螺分布和感染状况,为制定防控措施提供依据。方法在全省18个血吸虫病流行县(市、区)各选择1个疫情较重的行政村作为血吸虫病螺情监测点。采用系统抽样与环境抽样相结合的方法进行螺情调查,对捕获的钉螺用压碎镜检法和环介导等温扩增技术(LAMP)检测其血吸虫感染情况。建立螺情监测数据库,并进行描述性分析。结果18个监测点共调查总面积1 826.55 hm^2,查出有螺面积55.03 hm^2,较2013年和2014年分别下降了57.70%和40.63%。无新发现有螺环境;未查见血吸虫感染性钉螺。共设调查框718 532框,有螺框出现率0.45%,活螺平均密度0.013 9只/0.1 m^2。传播控制地区的有螺面积和活螺平均密度均最高,主要分布在水田、沟渠、滩地、塘堰、旱地等环境和水稻、旱地作物、杂草、树林等植被中。监测点有螺面积、有螺框出现率、捕获总螺数、捕获活螺数等指标呈逐年下降趋势,已连续3年未查出感染性钉螺。结论云南省监测点钉螺已得到有效控制,但仍需加强综合灭螺措施。
Objective To understand the Oncomelania hupensis distribution and infection status in the schistosomiasis surveillance sites of Yunnan Province, so as to provide the evidence for making the control and prevention measures. Methods Eighteen administrative villages were selected as the surveillance sites where the schistosomiasis endemic was serious in 18 epidemic counties, one village for one county. The snail status was investigated with the systematic sampling and environmental sampling methods, and the infection status of the snails was detected by a microscope and loop-mediated isothermal amplifica- tion (LAMP). The surveillance database was established and descriptively analyzed. Results In 2015, the total surveillance ar- ea was 1 826.55 hm2, and the area with snails was 55.03 hm^2, that was reduced by 57.70% as compared to that in 2013, and by 40.63% as compared to that in 2014. No new snail area was discovered, and also no schistosome infected snails were discovered. Totally 718 532 frames were surveyed, and the occurrence rate of frames with snails was 0.45% and the density of living snails was 0.013 9 snail/0.1 m2. In the endemic controlled areas, the snail area and density of living snails were both the highest. The snails concentrated on the environments of paddy field, ditch, bottomland, small reservoir, and dry land, and the vegetations of rice, dry crop, weed and wood. The snail area, occurrence rate of frames with snails, total number of snails and number of living snails all showed a downward trend. No infected snails were found for three years. Conclusions The Oncomelania hupensis snails have been effectively controlled in the national schistosomiasis surveillance sites of Yunnan Province. However, the comprehensive snail control measures still should be continually strengthened in order to consolidate the achivements.
Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control
Oncomelania hupensis
Yunnan Province