Western education has been acclaimed as the model around the world so that the traditional Chinese American education has been criticized in the Chinese American education novels. However, the tiny parenting memoir Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother reverses this general value. It is supposed that theChinese mothers are superior to the western ones in the beginning part of the novel which reverses universal Eurocentric awareness that most of Chinese American writers try to convey in their works. It' s also the first time for Chinese American writers to give Chinese parenting advises with great confidence in western society through family music education training and performance in different metropolis around the world. This essay attempts to examine the overlapping tension of the beginning, the process and the end of the story ignored both by media and scholars present in this parenting book with complicated transnational, intercultural, intermarriage and interracial background in global times within the frame of novel of education. What the story conveys is the author's dilemma and ambiguity between the binary dichotomy and cosmopolitanism. Both culture icons "tiger mother" and "the Chinese mother" might be the only way to initiate the fiery debate as a strategy of figurative language for the rise of China's geopolitical position. It is determined by the innate tension among economics, politics and art in international capital society. But the parenting life which might generate the abstract art and theory is hidden and repressed.
Education Research Monthly
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, cosmopolitanism, east and west, transnation, cross- culture