
基于广义模糊集的模糊规则库的设计及其应用 被引量:6

Design of Fuzzy Rule Base Based on Generalized Fuzzy Sets and Its Application
摘要 对模糊知识及其否定知识的认识,潘正华指出存在着三种不同的否定关系:矛盾否定关系、对立否定关系和中介否定关系,并为此建立了一种带有矛盾否定、对立否定和中介否定的模糊集(Fuzzy Sets with Contradictory negation,Opposite negation and Medium negation,FScom)。针对FScom及其改进模糊集(Improved Fuzzy Sets with Contradictory negation,Opposite negation and Medium negation,IFScom)在刻画模糊性知识及其三种不同否定关系上的一些不足,提出了广义模糊集GFScom。在此基础上,给出了基于GFScom的模糊控制规则的设记方法,并给出一个具体实例。通过该实例可以看出,所提出的设计方法是有效且合理的。 In order to process the fuzzy knowledge and its different forms of negative relationship, Pan has pointed out there exist three different types of negations: contradictory negation, opposite negation and medium negation, and developed a novel fuzzy sets (Fuzzy Sets with Contradictory negation, Opposite negation and Medium negation, FScom). Since there exist several shortcomings over sketching the relationships among fuzzy knowledge and its different three sorts of negation in the novel fuzzy sets (Fuzzy Sets with Contradictory negation, Opposite negation and Medium negation, FScom) and its so-called improved fuzzy sets (Improved Fuzzy Sets with Contradictory negation, Opposite negation and Medium negation, IFScom), the generalized fuzzy set (Generalized Fuzzy Sets with Contradictory, Opposite and Medium negation, GFScom) is proposed. On this basis, the approach to construct the fuzzy rule base based on GFScom is given, and an illustrative example is given to show that the method that is presented in this paper is effective and appropriate.
作者 张胜礼
出处 《模糊系统与数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期109-121,共13页 Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics
基金 贵州省科学技术基金资助项目(黔科合J字[2012]2324) 贵州省教育厅自然科学研究重点项目(黔教合KY字[2015]408) 贵州省教育厅青年基金资助项目(黔教合KY字[2014]319) 黔西南州科技计划项目(科学技术基金计划2015)
关键词 模糊集 否定关系 广义模糊集GFScom 模糊规则库的设计 Fuzzy Sets Negative Relations Generalized Fuzzy Sets GFScom Design of Fuzzy Rule Base
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