We put forward the first steps towards an epistemic analysis of sight-compatible backward induction. This solution concept was proposed in Short sight in extensive games to analyze a generalization of extensive games where players have limited foresight. The paper studies the epistemicpreconditions triggering the play of sight-compatible backward induction in a game where players have limited foresight. From a technical point of view the paper builds on the methods developed in Keep hoping for rationality: A solution to the backward induction paradox for the epistemic analysis of backward induction in extensive games. The main contribution of the paper consists in the identification of epistemic preconditions that in a game with short sight lead to a sight-compatible backward induction outcome to be played.
Studies in Logic
partial support on this work by EPSRC (grant EP/M015815/1)
the support of Imperial College London for the Junior Research Fellowship "Designing Negotiations Spaces for Collective Decision-Making" (AI 1048)