
马基雅维利《君主论》中政治与道德的关系 被引量:1

Research on the Relationship Between Politics and Morality based on Machiavelli s Theory of the Monarch
摘要 从人类社会步入政治国家起,政治与道德便是"焦不离孟,孟不离焦"的相互依懒关系。马基雅维利的代表作《君主论》深刻揭示了文艺复兴时期欧洲政治社会环境中政治与道德的关系——性恶是政治与道德关系的哲学基础;披着道德外衣的政治,二者是相互对立又相辅相成,是不可分割的统一体。 Politics and morality are a pair of twin brothers (in the sense that morality is the birth of politics in society).Since human society entered the national politics, politics and ethics are the “Coke not Meng, Meng not defocus” mutual dependence of lazy.The relationship between politics and morality is still not conclusive, and its complex relationship is evident today.With “the historical analysis method ”and“comparative law ”and other scientific methods, standing on the basis of objective facts, keeping value neutrality position, standing in Machiavelli's ,《the prince theory》 and related famous research achievements on Machiavelli, returning to the Renaissance Italian political and social environment, with the foundation and development process of the relationship between politics and morality as the standard. The author thought that the “political and moral relationship is divided into three levels: Firstly, a theory of evil human nature is the philosophical foundation of the political and moral of” the Prince “; Secondly ,” politics is the essence, morality is the representation of the “cloak of moral politics”; thirdly, politics and morality are the indivisible unity. For an ideological, historical evaluation of a person, you will need to return to their life situations (that is, a particular age, unique personal experiences, ideological and theoretical purpose and consisting of the effects of age scenarios), given in thoughts of the scientific theories based on historical location, academic and historical responsibility and mission.
作者 申洪刚
出处 《城市学刊》 2015年第6期73-75,共3页 Journal of Urban Studies
关键词 马基雅维利 君主论 政治 道德 Machiavelli the prince politics morality
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