Today, the rapid development of highway construction, has brought great convenience to people's production and life, but pavement base is seriously damaged at the early stage, affecting the service life of the road and the using du- rability of the road needs continue improvement. In the actual construction process, we met many unstable factors affect- ing the quality of the base, including the uneven gravel of basic level, uneven stirring of the cement, and unstable mois- ture content. Through careful investigation and research, we collected relevant data and information, jointly explored and researched the various issues regularly in seminar groups, to find out the causes of the problems, and put forward a feasi- ble and effective solution It is of great positive significance to improve the strength of the mixture of cement stabilized weathered sand and crushed stone, which is beneficial to improve the using durability of highway.
Henan Science and Technology
cement stabilized mixture
mixing unit
strength of the raw material