
阳光紫外辐射对铜藻的生长及荧光参数的影响 被引量:9

Effect of the solar ultraviolet radiation on the growth and fluorescence parameters of Sargassum horneri
摘要 为了探讨近年来南麂列岛铜藻场衰退、消亡的原因以及更好的进行人工育苗恢复藻场,实验结合阳光紫外强度日益增加的环境问题,开展了紫外辐射对铜藻生长和光合生理影响机制的探究。实验设置3种不同阳光辐射处理:可见光(P A R)处理(400~700 nm),可见光加紫外辐射A(PA)处理(320~700 nm)和全波长辐射(PAB)处理(280~700 nm)。铜藻经过14 d阳光辐射适应培养后,其生长表现为UV-A部分(PA处理中)对铜藻的RGR促进了6.7%,且提高了藻体的叶绿素a、类胡萝卜素和UVACs含量;UV-B部分(PAB处理中)对藻体的RGR产生了8.98%的抑制,同时抑制了铜藻色素的合成。比较3种辐射处理的快速响应曲线(RLC),PA处理下的藻体具有最高的最大电子传递速率(r ETRmax)和光能利用率(α)。当将藻体置于太阳模拟灯下照射1 h,经PA适应的藻体其D1蛋白修复速率与损伤速率的比(r/k)比P处理的高13.02%,而经PAB适应的r/k比P处理的低17.62%,证明UV-A对铜藻具有正面效应。 Because of the enhanced of solar UVR and the destruction of Sargassum horneri in Nanji archipelago, it is necessary to study the effect of solar UVR on growth and photophysiology orS. horneri, in order to recovery algae forest by artificial seeding. We carried out experiments using long-term exposure with three radiation treatments, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400-700 nm); photosynthetically active radiation + Ultraviolet A (PA, 320-700 nm) and photosynthctically active radiation + Ultraviolet A + Ultraviolet B (PAB, 280- 700 rim) respectively. Big quartz tubes with thalli, which were put into 10 ℃ thermostatic baths with running tap water, were exposed to three different solar radiations for 14 days acclimation. At the end of experiment, the relative growth rate (RGR) of S. horneri was promoted by 6.7% in UV-A (PA treatment), while was inhibited by 8.98% in UV-B (PAB treatment) compared with P treatment. The results of photosynthetic pigments and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics revealed that the UV-A significantly raised the concentrations of chlorophyll a, carotenoid and UV-absorbing compounds (UVACs), but UV-B do decrease the pigments. Moreover, UV-A had a significantly positive effects on the maximum relative electron transport rates (rETRmax) and the light utilized efficiency (a). After 14 days acclimated under solar radiation, the thalli were removed indoor to re-exposed to the artificial solar lamp (PAR=213.3WUV-A=14.3WUV-B=6.7 W) in order to check the short-term response to elevated UVR. The results shown the repair rate (r) of D1 protein is faster in UV-A than in both PAR and UV-B significantly. But the damage rate (k) has not difference among three radiation treatments.
出处 《水产学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期83-91,共9页 Journal of Fisheries of China
基金 国家自然科学基金(41306106) 浙江省科技计划项目(2012C13005和2014F10005) 浙江省自然科学基金(Y16D060019) 浙江省重点实验室开发和保护沿岸生物资源项目(J2013001)~~
关键词 铜藻 荧光参数 正面效应 紫外辐射 Sargassum horneri fluorescence parameters positive effect ultraviolet radiation
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