Histochemical detection of lectin binding was carried out using ABC method, in condyloma accuminata,The lectins used for demonstrating sugar resi- dues were: ConA, PNA, 12CA 1, SBA and UEA 1. Leetin binding in normal squmaous epithelium showed reginoal distribution patterns of keratinized, spinous and basal layer types. Histochemical localization of lectin binding was generally at cellular surface and in the intercellular substances and sometimes in the cytoplasm of normal epithelial cells. In condyloma specimans, spinous cells showed an intense ConA staining and moderate binding by other lectins, which was somewhat decreased when compared with that of the normal epithelium. The cytochemical distribution of epithelia^1 lectin binding may be indicative of the expression of nomal stratification and keratinocytic differentiation, and the disappearance of this typical epithelial pattern may suggest severe dysplasia.
The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology