Ethics and the Code of Ethics don't appear at all in the actual museums definition. The paper suggests adding a new sentence concerning ethical behaviour as an important base of all activities of a museum. The main principles of the Code could be summarized with four central keywords: truthfulness(concerning our research work and our subjective view of the facts), authenticity(with respect to the information given and to the objects), responsibility(with regard to the society and to the preservation of the heritage), and independence(from political and financial outside influences). Since a detailed explanation of these principles would overload the definition, the establishment of guidelines is suggested, as they will be provided also for the Code of Ethics itself. In addition, I propose them also for other topics of the museums definition. Such a procedure allows to maintain on one hand a long lasting short definition enumerating basic principles and on the other hand to open the possibility of bringing the definition into the line with the evolution of the society and of museology. I think that it is important to add that such bylaws must be more than just informal comments of different keywords of the definition; they must have a similar compulsory nature as the main text.The relationship between museums and the society is a very complex theme because many topics are involved: Financing – collections – architecture – public – society – leadership. And we could add tourism – globalization – research – communication – marketing etc. The different hotspots are examined in their positions oscillating between a traditional and a modernist approach! I present my subject following the long-established duties of museum and add some overall domains like financing, marketing, and the growing importance of visitors.So, I suggest ? Avery short general(ICOM) definition with just some essentials, such as musealization, society, visualization, visitor, and ethics? A series of obliging guidelines explaining