对GPS系统、北斗二号系统以及GPS/北斗组合系统伪距单点定位的关键技术进行研究,分析了3种导航系统的DOP值。单一系统随卫星高度角的增加,DOP值增大,定位精度下降。GPS伪距单点定位的精度达到2 m,北斗伪距单点定位的精度在5 m以内,GPS/北斗联合定位的精度和GPS相差不大。
The key techniques of the pseudorange point positioning with GPS, Beidou Ⅱ and the combined navigation system are stud- ied, DOP values are analyzed in this paper. Single navigation system has lower visibility with the increasing of the satellite elevation angle, DOP values increase and positioning accuracy decline. The positioning accuracy of GPS is 2m while Beidou is less than 5 m, and the combined system is close to GPS.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology