
弥漫性特发性骨肥厚症发病机制的研究进展 被引量:1

Progress Research in Pathogenesis of Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hypertrophy
摘要 弥漫性特发性骨肥厚症(diffuseidiopathicskeletalhyperostosis,DISH)主要特点是大范围的骨质增生肥大,韧带和肌腱出现钙化,,病症的具体症状是椎体前外侧缘出现钙化、骨化,形成数个椎体骨桥。该病症产生的原因至今还未可知,有关的研究表明其产生的机理非常复杂。不过从许多资料中看出,其产生和内分泌失调、血管障碍、代谢紊乱导致的疾病比如肥胖症、高血脂、糖尿病等存在一定的关系。本文将针对近些年有关该病症的产生机理的探究进程进行综合的论述。 The main features of diffuse idiopathic skeletal hypertrophy (DISH) are a large rang of bone hypertrophy, Ligament and tendon calcification, which specific symptoms of the disease are anterior lateral border of calcification, ossification, forming a number of vertebral bone bridges. The reason of it is still unknown. The relevant studies have shown that its mechanism is very com- plex. But a lot of information show that it is associated with endocrine disorders, vascular disorders and metabolic disorders such as o- besity, high cholesterol, diabetes, bone metabolism abnormality and other factors. This article dicusses the pathogenesis of DISH in recent years.
出处 《国际老年医学杂志》 2016年第1期45-48,共4页 International Journal of Geriatrics
关键词 弥漫性特发性骨肥厚症 骨代谢异常 韧带骨化 DISH Bone metabolism abnormality Ligament ossification
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