《大学语文》课是普通高校中面向文 (除汉语言文学专业外 )、理、工、农、医、财经、政治、外语、艺术、教育等各类专业学生开设的一门素质教育课程。课程设置的目的是培养学生汉语言文学方面的阅读、欣赏、理解和表达能力。《大学语文》课所入选的作品 ,均是经过千百年筛选留传下来具有强大生命力的文约意丰 ,脍炙人口的古代和现当代最有成就的作家的代表作。它们代表了中国几千年灿烂文化和文明的进程 ,对于将来要担负着“传道”、“授业”、“解惑”的师范生来说 ,《大学语文》课在素质教育中的重要地位和作用是不容忽视的 !
As one of the courses focusing on quality-centred education, College Chinese is offered to the students majoring at arts(except Chinese language and literature majors), science, engineering, agricultural science, medical science, finance and economics, politics, foreign language and education. The purpose of this course is to cultivate the students' reading, appreciative, comprehensive and expressive abilities in chinese lanhuage and literature. The selection of College chinese are all representative classical or contemporary works which are selected and handed down from hundreds of years ago, They are simple in writing but rich in meaning, So they've endured the time and won an universal praise, and they represent the progress of Chinese splendid culture and civilization for thousands of years. Therefore, to a college student who is going to be a teacher, whose job is known as delivering living principles, teaching knowledge and finding solutions to problems, College Chinese plays an important role and has a prominent function in the quality-centred education.
Journal of Mengzi Teachers' College