
三河牛体细胞数差值与产奶性状的关系 被引量:1

Correlation between Somatic Cell Count Difference Value and Milk Production Traits
摘要 目前多个国家使用体细胞数作为检测奶牛乳房炎的指标,但是每月的SCC测定日记录不能准确及时反映乳房炎变化程度,而SCC育种值需要大量数据进行估计,不能简易快速地检测隐性乳房炎牛只。因此,本研究通过对内蒙古海拉尔市谢尔塔拉镇2 649头三河牛的20 583条测定日记录进行统计分析,利用SAS 9.1.3软件对三河牛相邻两月SCC差值(分为高SCC差和低SCC差)与日产奶量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率和乳糖率进行相关分析以及高、低SCC差的T检验。结果表明,高SCC差值的奶牛其日产奶量极显著低于低SCC差奶牛(P<0.01),而且随着胎次的增加,该趋势更加明显。因此,各牛场应通过观察相邻两个月的SCC测定日记录,利用SCC差值法检测高SCC奶牛,以及时发现隐性乳房炎易感牛,从而减少乳房炎引起的经济损失。 Currently, somatic cell count (SCC) is used as an indicator for mastitis detection by many of countries. However, monthly SCC records cannot accurately and timely reflect the fluctuating degree of cow mastitis. Furthermore, Estimating Breeding Value (EBV) requires quantity of data to be estimated, which makes mastitis detection more difficult and slow. In this research, we performed statistical analysis for 20583 SCC monthly records of 2649 Sanhe cattle collected from Xieertala breeding farm in Hailaer City of Inner Mongolia. Correlation analysis and t-test were conducted by SAS 9.1.3 for SCC with daily milk yield, fat percentage, protein percentage and lactose percentage. Results demonstrate that milk yield of the cows with High SCC difference value is significantly lower than that of Low SCC difference value (P〈0.01). In addition, as the parity increases, this trend is more apparent. Therefore, SCC difference between two adjacent months should be calculated and analyzed for utilizing this SCC difference value method to detect high SCC cattle, which is good for discovering the subclinical mastitis cattle and preventing the related economic loss.
出处 《中国奶牛》 2016年第1期20-22,共3页 China Dairy Cattle
基金 国家自然科学基金(31272420) 国家奶牛产业技术体系(CARS-37-04B) 十二五国家科技支持项目(2011BAD28B02) 教育部基本科研项目(2011JS006 Z109021306) 长江学者与创新团队发展计划(IRT1191)
关键词 三河牛 SCC差值法 隐性乳房炎 产奶性状 Sanhe cattle SCC difference value Subclinical mastitis Milk production
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