
产品伤害危机负面溢出的应对策略——基于危机归因调节作用的视角 被引量:2

Study on the Coping Strategies of the Negative Spillover Effect from Product Harm Crisis: the Moderating Role of Crisis Attribution
摘要 产品伤害危机使危机企业遭受重创的同时,由于负面溢出效应的存在,也常常对与之相关的竞争企业带来不可忽视的负面影响。文章采用实证研究方法探索产品伤害危机负面溢出发生时,竞争企业针对不同危机归因采纳的最优应对策略。结果表明:当预判危机焦点企业的产品伤害危机为内因危机时,竞争企业采用的最优应对策略是缄默策略,要尽量避免采用否认策略;当预判危机焦点企业的产品伤害危机为外因危机时,竞争企业采用的最优应对策略是区隔策略,要尽量避免采用缄默策略。 When the product harm crisis gives devastating damage to the crisis enterprise, it also negatively effects the competitive enterprises due to spillover effects. Based on the empirical research method, the optimized strategies for different crisis attribution are explored for those competitive enterprises facing negative spillover effects. The research indicates that, if the product harm crisis is internal crisis, the best choice is silence strategy, and denial strategy should be avoided. On the other hand, if the product - harm crisis is external crisis, the best choice is segmentation strategy, and denial strategy should not be applied.
作者 程霞
出处 《财经理论研究》 2016年第1期99-105,共7页 Journal of Finance and Economics Theory
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(10CGL077) 四川省哲学社会科学项目(11SB057) 四川省社科十二五规划项目(SC15C031)
关键词 产品伤害危机 负面溢出 危机归因 product harm crisis negative spillover crisis attribution
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