针对当前无线通信系统中射频功率放大器工作带宽窄、输出功率和附加效率低的缺点,本文基于CREE公司的GaN功率管设计了一款新型的L频段宽带大功率射频功率放大器。用源牵引和负载牵引技术测得工作频段内最佳输入输出阻抗,再通过集总参数元件与微带线结合的方法设计宽带匹配网络,并对放大器功率、效率以及谐波分量等指标进行测试。测试数据表明,当放大器工作在L频段300 MHz带宽内(相对工作带宽为27.7%),输入功率为34dBm的连续波(CW)时,其输出功率可达50.4dBm(108 W),附加效率不低于48%,平坦度为±0.1dB。因此,本文设计的GaN射频宽带功率放大器具有带宽宽、效率高、功率大的特点,具备应用价值。
In order to solve the problem of narrow working band and low output power and power-added efficiency in current wireless communication system,this paper proposes a new type of the broadband high power amplifier in L Band designed by GaN device made by CREE.A method based on source-pull/load-pull simulation has been used to find optimum source and load impedances.Then using an approach of mixing of microstrip line and capacitor,wideband matching networks is designed.Large-signal measurement results show that when the input power is 34 dBm among the band of 300 MHz in the L-band(relative operating bandwidth is 27.7%),the output power is higher than50.4dBm(108 W),the power-added efficiency(PAE)is over 48% and the plainness is ±0.1dB at the whole working band.The data indicates that the power amplifier based on GaN has the advantages of wide band,high efficiency and output power.
Electronic Measurement Technology