目的:通过比较喷砂和不同功率光纤激光蚀刻处理对氧化锆陶瓷抗弯曲强度和剪切粘结强度的影响,探讨光纤激光蚀刻氧化锆陶瓷的可行性,为光纤激光蚀刻应用于临床提供参考。方法:将结晶后的氧化锆试件随机分为5组(n=10),处理如下:A组为空白对照组,B组为氧化铝颗粒喷砂组,C-E组分别为功率为2、4、6 W光纤激光处理组。测定各组试件的三点抗弯曲强度并观察其处理面的显微形貌。再将各组试件处理面与双固化复合树脂Multilink N粘固,37℃恒温水浴24h后测试剪切粘结强度。采用方差分析和LSD多重检验进行比较(α=0.05)。结果:各组试件的抗弯强度无统计学差异。A组与E组的粘结强度无明显差异;而与其余3组间的粘结强度差异均有统计学意义(P<0.005)。喷砂组和光纤激光蚀刻组两两比较显示,B、C、D 3组间的粘结强度无明显差异,E组的粘结强度低于B、C、D 3组(P<0.05)。结论:采用合适激光功率的光纤激光蚀刻技术能增强氧化锆陶瓷与复合树脂间的粘结强度,且对氧化锆自身的抗弯曲强度无明显影响,可以作为临床上氧化锆陶瓷表面处理的一种方法。
Objective: To evaluate the effect of fiber laser systems on flexural strength and shear bond strength of zirconia ceramics. Methods: Fifty sintered zirconia ceramic blocks were prepared and divided into five groups (n= 10). Group A: control group without treatment, Group B: air abrasion with A1203 particles, Group C to E: fiber laser with 2W, 4W, 6W power respectively. The flexural strength of all samples was measured and the microscopic morphology of each group was observed under SEM. After that, dual--cure composite resin cement Multilink N was bonded to the ceramic specimens and stored in distilled water at 37℃ for 24h. Mean values of shear bond strength (MPa) were calculated. Data were analyzed by one--way ANOVA and LSD tests (P〈0.05). Results: The flexural strength did not show significant difference among the groups. The bond strength of group A and E were lower than that of group B, C, D (P〈0.05). No significant differences were found among group B, C, D. Conclusion: This study shows that with proper laser power, fiber laser treatment can increase the bond strength of zirconia compared to the untreated group without affecting the flexural strength of the ceramics. Fiber laser may be an alternative method to pretreat zirconia ceramics in the clinic.
Journal of Oral Science Research