
基于椭圆球面波函数的数字带通滤波器设计 被引量:5

Design of Digital Bandpass Filters Based on Prolate Spheroidal Wave Function
摘要 为设计频谱性能优良的有限冲激响应(FIR)数字带通滤波器,从窗函数的性质及选择指标出发,分析了椭圆球面波函数(PSWF)作为窗函数的优势;在此基础上根据数字滤波器设计的原理和要求,选择0阶基带椭圆球面波函数作为窗函数设计数字带通滤波器,并利用微分方程状态转移矩阵逼近的PSWF求解算法,给出了基于PSWF的FIR数字带通滤波器设计方法。理论分析和仿真结果表明:PSWF数字带通滤波器具有较低的设计复杂度,与Kaiser滤波器和Blackman滤波器相比,其旁瓣衰减有超过7 d B的优势,且具有与两种滤波器相当的通带波纹波动和过渡带宽。 In order to design Finite Impulse Response( FIR) digital bandpass filters with excellent frequen-cy spectrum,the superiority of prolate spheroidal wave functions( PSWF) to window function is analyzed according to the properties and indexes of window function,PSWFs are solved based on state transition ma-trix approximation,and zero-order baseband is used as window function. On this basis,a method for desig-ning digital bandpass filter based on PSWF is presented. Theoretical analysis and simulation show that PSWF digital filter of bandpass possesses low design complexities,and it owns superiority more than 7 dB in sidelobe fading compared with Kaiser filter and Blackman filter, while the passband ripple and transition band are equal.
出处 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2016年第2期176-182,共7页 Telecommunication Engineering
基金 山东省"泰山学者"建设工程专项(ts20081130)~~
关键词 数字带通滤波器设计 椭圆球面波函数 窗函数 状态转移矩阵 旁瓣衰减 digital bandpass filter design prolate spheroidal wave functions windows function state transition matrix sidelobe fading
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