目的:了解厦门市第三医院(以下简称"我院")药品不良反应(adverse drug reaction,ADR)发生的特点,为临床安全用药提供参考。方法:对我院2013年收集的384例ADR报告,按患者性别与年龄、药品种类、给药途径、ADR累及器官和(或)系统及其临床表现、报告人职业、ADR的类型及结果等进行统计分析。结果:384例ADR报告涉及17类143种药品,其中,发生ADR的抗菌药物品种数和例次数最多,分别为37种(占25.87%)、123例次(占合计450例次的27.33%);发生ADR的给药途径以静脉滴注为主,共208例(占54.17%);ADR的临床表现以皮肤及其附件损害为主,共149例次(占合计480例次的31.04%);医师报告的ADR病例数最多,共341例(占88.80%)。结论:应合理用药并重视ADR监测,以避免或减少ADR的重复发生。
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the characteristics of adverse drug reaction( ADR) reports in the Third Hospital of Xiamen( hereinafter referred to as "our hospital"),and to provided reference for the clinical medication safety. METHODS: 384 cases of ADR reports were collected in our hospital,statistical analysis was conducted on the patients' gender,age,varieties of drugs,route of administration and ADR involved organs and( or) systems and clinicalmanifestations,report stuff,types and outcomes of ADR,etc. RESULTS: 384 cases of ADR reports involving 17 types and 143 varieties of drugs,among which the main parts were varieties and cases of antibacterial drugs that induced ADR,respectively were 37 varieties( 25. 87%) and 123 cases( accounting for 27. 33% of 450 cases). The main route of administration that induced ADR were intravenous drip,totally 208 cases( 54. 17%); the clinical manifestation of ADR manifested as skin and its accessories damage,totally 149 cases( accounting for 31. 04% for 480 cases); the ADR cases reported by doctors were the most,totally 341 cases( 88. 80%). CONCLUSIONS: It is necessary to promote the rational drug use and strengthen ADR monitoring so as to avoid or reduce the incidence of ADR.
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
Adverse drug reaction
Antibacterial drugs
Intravenous drip
Rational of drug use