从社会学的角度分析网络文学这一中国特有的社会现象,可以探讨网络互动中形成的一种新社会性。由于以互联网为媒介进行创作和传播,有其时间和空间上的特殊性,从而导致网络文学使用者之间的互动不能完全用原有的"类社会互动"(parasocial intreraction)来概括,而是这种关系的变异。将之称为参与性类社会互动(participatory parasocial interaction)。具体体现为两方面,一是表演者(performer)与观看者(viewer)之间的界限模糊,二是由于媒体使用者(media user)可以很容易地形成一个网络群体(networked audience),媒体使用者对传媒形象(media figure)的控制力加强,通过集体想象共同创造了一些传媒形象,并以这些形象为基础形成了独有的网络社区。读者在此网络社区中获得认同、创造力的发挥以及情感的寄托,从而使得网络文学的生产和消费有了持续的动力。
This article aims to provide a sociological analysis of online literature/cyber literature as an emerging phenomenon in China,so as to explore a new type of sociality via online interactions.The internet is now the new medium used for the dissemination and creation of ideas and works,and not limited by time or geography.Therefore,the conventionally used term parasocial interactions that depicts one sided interactions between a media user and the media may not be the most appropriate for describing the interactions of online literature users,and a modification of this term is necessary.I will instead use participatory parasocial interactions,which specifically are:1) the blurring of the boundaries between media performers and viewers,and 2) media fans who can easily manage their networked audience by controlling their branding through collective imagination and creation of various media images.Based on these images,the media fans form a unique online community.These online literature fans thus gain recognition on their online community,demonstrate their creativity,and have the means to channel their emotions into creative work.As a result,online literature itself is able to gain momentum in production and consumption.
Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)