针对开关磁阻调速电动机(SRD)非线性、数学模型难以精确建立的特点,采用粒子群算法对开关磁阻电动机PID控制器参数进行优化,基于MATLAB Simulink建立SRD仿真模型,仿真验证粒子群优化算法的有效性。
Switched reluctance motor drive (SRD) is a nonlinear control system. It is difficult to establish its precise mathematical model. A Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is used for the optimization of PID parameters of SRD. The three-phase SRD simulation model is built, based on MATLAB Simulink ,and the simulation results show that the PSO algorithm is an useful method for optimization of PID parameters of SRD.
Machine Building & Automation