
管状蠕虫Ridgeia piscesae TAK1的克隆及其转基因果蝇制备

Clone and preparation for transgenic flies of tubeworm Ridgeia piscesae TAK1
摘要 Ridgeia piscesae是唯一一种存在于东北太平洋Juan de Fuca Ridge热液区的管状蠕虫,我们成功通过RACE PCR获得Ridgeia piscesae TAK1(Rp TAK1)基因全长c DNA序列.为深入研究TAK1基因在管状蠕虫中的作用,本文通过显微注射获得Rp TAK1转基因果蝇,并在果蝇体内成功过表达Rp TAK1基因.我们发现由Rp TAK1编码的氨基酸序列具有一定保守性,可能暗示其功能上的保守性,同时也暗示TAK1蛋白在物种进化中的保守性.而过表达突变体果蝇的眼睛出现变异,包括眼睛变得粗糙、单眼排列不整齐及整体形状变小,可以看出Rp TAK1基因影响果蝇的机体发育,我们猜测在Rp TAK1基因在管状蠕虫的生长发育过程中也可能起到重要作用. Ridgeia piscesae,the only tubeworm living at the hydrothermal vents on the Juan de Fuca Ridge,northern Pacific. We successfully got the full-length c DNA sequence of Ridgeia piscesae TAK1. To study the roles TAK1 gene in R. piscesae,we used microinjection to get R. piscesae TAK1 transgenic flies and overexpress R. piscesae TAK1 gene in vivo. We found that the considerably conservative amino acid sequence of R. piscesae TAK1 seemed to imply an evolutionary conserved role for Rp TAK1 and the eye of R. piscesae TAK1 overexpression mutants varied,including shape,appearance and arrangement of ocellus. So we speculate that TAK1 probably plays a crucial role in the development and growth of the tubeworm.
出处 《应用海洋学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期138-143,共6页 Journal of Applied Oceanography
基金 海洋国际合作及履约-国家管辖海域以外生物多样性保护工作研究资助项目(HC130301-13(1)) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31171366) 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(BK2012678)
关键词 海洋生物学 管状蠕虫 转化生长因子β激活激酶(TAK1) 克隆 转基因果蝇 marine biology tubeworm transforming growth factor-β activated kinase-1(TAK1) clone transgenic fly
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