
肺癌的中医治法及方药使用规律研究 被引量:14

Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy and Prescription Application Rule of Lung Cancer
摘要 目的:分析、总结肺癌的中医证型规律和方药使用规律,探索中医治疗肺癌的常规治法及常用药对。方法:收集到中医方药治疗肺癌的方剂213首,构建肺癌方剂库,运用频数统计及频繁集分析肺癌的中医证型规律和方药使用规律。结果:肺癌以气阴两虚、阴虚内热、脾虚痰湿、痰瘀互结等为主要证型。肺癌常用治法应为:化痰祛湿、清热解毒、活血化瘀、扶正固本(补气、滋阴、养血等)。肺癌用药以补虚药为第一位,其中气虚为最,之后为化痰药、祛湿药、清热药、活血化瘀药等。具体又以白术-黄芪补气,麦冬-沙参滋阴,半夏-陈皮化痰,白术-茯苓祛湿,白花蛇舌草-半枝莲清热解毒,当归-桃仁活血化瘀。结论:肺癌治疗当围绕气虚、阴虚、痰浊、水湿、热毒、血瘀等病机,以补气滋阴、化痰祛湿、清热解毒、活血化瘀为基本治法,以白术-黄芪,麦冬-沙参,半夏-陈皮,白术-茯苓,白花蛇舌草-半枝莲,当归-桃仁为常用药对,临症加减化裁。 Objective: This paper aimed to sum up and analyzed the rules of TCM pattern of syndrome and prescription of lung cancer, and explored conventional therapy and medicine pair. Methods: Collecting 213prescriptions for the treatment of lung cancer to build library prescriptions of lung cancer. Then using frequency statistics and frequent sets analysis law of TCM syn- drome types and formulas of lung cancer. Results: The main syndrome types of lung cancer were Qi and Yin deficiency, Yin defi- ciency with internal thermal, spleen deficient mutual junction of phlegm dampness, phlegm and blood stasis, etc. The conven- tional therapy of lung cancer were dispelling phlegm and eliminating dampness, clearing away heat and toxic materials, promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, supporting the healthy energy (tonifying Qi, tonifying Yin, nourishing blood, etc). A- mong the medicine treating lung cancer, dose of drugs of restoring vital energy were the first, and Qi-tonifying drugs were the most of them. The expectorant, damp dispel diuretic drugs, heat-clearing drugs, drugs for invigorating blood circulation and e- liminating stasis were behind. Using Baizhu-Huangqi to tonify Qi, Maidong-Shashen to tonify Yin, Chenpi-Banxia to reduce phlegm, Baizhu-Fuling to clear damp, Baihuasheshecao-Banzhilian to clear away heat and toxic materials, Danggui-Taoren to promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis. Conclusion: The therapy of lung cancer is based on pathogenesis that Qi defi- ciency, Yin deficiency, phlegm evil, dampness, heat toxin, blood stasis, etc. The conventional therapy is to tonify Qi and Yin,to dispell phlegm and eliminating dampness, to clear away heat and toxic materials, to promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis. The conventional medicine pairs are Baizhu- Huangqi, Maidong- Shashen, Chenpi- Banxia, Baizhu- Fuling, Baihua- sheshecao-Banzhilian, Danggui-Taoren. Changing formulas on the basis of practical application.
机构地区 成都中医药大学
出处 《四川中医》 2016年第1期217-219,共3页 Journal of Sichuan of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 四川省科技厅2015年科技支撑计划-中医药干预肺腺癌免疫微环境治法体系研究(编号:2015SZ0097)
关键词 肺癌 治法 证型 方药配伍规律 Lung cancer Therapy Pattern of syndrome Prescription rules
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