
儿童癫痫外科神经心理和神经发育评估 被引量:20

Neuropsychological evaluation for epilepsy surgery and neural development assessment in children with epilepsy
摘要 神经心理评估是儿童癫痫诊疗中的一项重要工作,可提供癫痫患儿认知功能、情绪及行为障碍的客观信息,有致痫灶或功能受损脑区的定侧及定位价值,癫痫儿童的神经心理评估具有特殊性,具体包括智商测试、注意力测试、非言语认知功能测试、执行功能测试、躯体功能测试、记忆功能及Wada试验等。临床医生应对其核心认知功能筛查内容有所了解。 The role of a neuropsychological assessment in the routine care of children with epilepsy is to provide anobjective information of cognitiveand psychological funetion,whiehcan provide clues tothe latera]ization or localization of the function lesion and the epileptic zone. It's aspecifialjob to evaluate the neuropsyehologieal status for children with epilepsy. The objective of this review is to introduce the neuropsycholoical assessment methods including a core set of cognitive and psychological domains that should beassessed to provide an objective account of intelligence quotient, attention, nonverbal cognitive function, executive function, somatosensory and motor function, memory function and Wada test, etc. Clinicians should be aware of the content of the core cognitive function screening.
作者 陈倩
出处 《中国实用儿科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期22-26,共5页 Chinese Journal of Practical Pediatrics
基金 北京市科学技术委员会首都临床特色研究(Z131107002213027)
关键词 神经心理评估 癫痫 外科 儿童 neuropsychological assessment epiepsy surgery child
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