
“如何认识科学”(十二):科学的世界与感观的世界——大卫·凯里对大卫·艾布拉姆的访谈 被引量:1

How to Think about Science(Ⅻ) : The World of Science and the World of Sense——David Carey's Interview with David Abram
摘要 大卫·艾布拉姆认为,我们都生长在一种深深地决定和约束我们判断力的文化中。我们被一种非常深层次的科学理解所决定,并且这种决定的主要作用会使我们不相信我们的感觉。对于处于技术科学共同体中的公民来说,真实的世界并不是我们可以触摸和体验的;它是一个通过粒子物理学或射电天文学所揭示的世界。艾布拉姆相信,我们应该从对技术的着迷中摆脱出来并如实地回到感官世界中;真实的世界是我们可以触摸、感受、听到、闻到和看到的;科学只是它的抽象或图解,除非回到感觉的体验,否则我们无法了解科学。他认为,这种对感觉不信任的根源深深地根植于科学史中,它实质上定义了我们所称为的"科学革命"。艾布拉姆想要恢复科学的卓越并把它作为有能量的、有用的但仍然是第二位的知识形式放到它恰当的位置上,认为科学作为一种立场,有它的地位和益处。他反对这样的一种方式,在其中科学超越感觉经验并使我们疏远于自然的世界。他希望最终回到感觉世界的家中。 David Abram thinks that we've all been born into a culture that profoundly conditions and constrains our senses. We are conditioned by scientific understandings at a much deeper level, and that the main effect of this conditioning is to make us distrust our senses. For citizens of the republic of techno-science, the real world is not the one we can touch and taste. It's the one that is disclosed by particle physics or radio astronomy. He believes that we ought to snap out of our technological trance and literally come to our senses. The real world is the one we can touch and taste, hear, smell and see. Science is only its abstract or diagram, unintelligible except by reference back to sensory experience. The roots of this distrust of the senses, in David Abram's view, lie deep in the history of science. It virtually defines what we call the 'scientific revolution. ' He wants to restore the primacy of the senses and put science in its proper place as a powerful and useful, but still secondary, form of knowledge. He thinks that science, as a stance, has its place and its benefits. He objects to the way in which science has overcome sensory experience and estranged us from the natural world. And what he hopes for finally is a homecoming.
出处 《淮阴师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第6期725-731,共7页 Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 2013年度江苏省社科基金项目(13ZXB003)
关键词 理解科学 科学的世界 感观的世界 科学立场 understanding the science the world of science the world of sense scientific position
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