
2010~2015年在园幼儿死亡事件统计分析与解决对策 被引量:16

On Death Incidents of Children in Kindergartens from 2010 to 2015 in China
摘要 近年来在园幼儿死亡事件屡见报端,意外死亡业已成为我国儿童死亡的第一杀手,更是百姓和政府深度关注的社会问题。本研究采取目的性抽样中的最大差异抽样策略,对2010年1月至2015年9月期间全国发生的"在园幼儿死亡事件"进行互联网、报刊检索,选取其中由官方报刊公开报道或转载的85例真实事件进行统计分析,结果显示"窒息死亡"是当前在园幼儿死亡的主要类型,占49.41%;3岁及以下的低龄幼儿是在园幼儿死亡事件的主要受害群体,占55.26%;在园幼儿死亡人数存在显著的城乡差异与办园性质差异,农村幼儿园发生在园幼儿死亡事件数和死亡人数都较城镇幼儿园更为严重,民办园发生在园幼儿死亡事件的数量是公办园的13.17倍,占事件总数的92.94%;在园幼儿死亡事件的发生具有较为明显的时间分布规律,每学期初和期末是在园幼儿死亡事件爆发的高峰期。政府对幼儿园安全的监管力度不足与"政出多门"是导致在园幼儿死亡事件频繁发生的关键,幼儿园内部安全管理制度不健全或安全管理制度执行不力是主要的直接原因。今后应完善学前教育管理体制,推进学前教育立法工作,明确各方监管主体的权责,构建政府部门间协同合作机制,建设县域内幼儿园安全事故监测信息数据库,打造"预防—监测—预警"一体化的管理网络,建立"事前预警,事中监管,事后分析报告"的监管体系,实现幼儿园安全监管的常态化与制度化。 In recent years death incidents of children in kindergartens have been reported more frequently in newspapers. Accidental death has become the major cause of children's death in China and the big concern of common people and government. This research searched internet, newspapers and periodicals for nationwide children's death incidents in kindergartens from January 2010 to September 2015 and only adopted events that were publicly reported or reprinted in official newspapers or periodicals. In the end, 85 events were taken as samples and analyzed by SPSS 21.0 statistical software. The results were as follows: (1) "Suffocation" was the main type of children's death in kindergartens, accounting for 49.41% of the total number of the events; (2) Children of 3 years old and below were the main victims, whose death toll accounted for 55.26% of the total number; (3) There were significant urban and rural differences. The number of children' s death events and the death toll of children in rural kindergartens were more than that in urban ones; (4) 92.94% of children's death events took place in private kindergartens, which was 13.17 times the number of those in public kindergartens; (5) The beginning and end of each term was the peak of outbreak of children's death in kindergartens. Poor government supervision and kindergarten management were the key causes of the accidents. The legal system of the safety management of kindergartens should be improved and the collaborative mechanism among government departments should be established. At the same time, government and kindergarten should build the database of safety monitoring to achieve the normalization and institutionalization of regulatory system of "warning before the event, supervision in the event, analysis after the event".
出处 《学前教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期12-21,共10页 Studies in Early Childhood Education
基金 浙江省2013年度高校重大人文社科项目攻关计划"幼儿园突发事件预防与应对的立体化策略体系研究"(编号:2013QN058)
关键词 在园幼儿死亡事件 幼儿园安全管理 政府监管 death incidents of children in kindergartens, kindergarten safety management, government supervision
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