
哺乳母猪高危动作识别方法研究 被引量:18

Research on Recognition Method of Lactating Sows' Dangerous Body Movement
摘要 哺乳母猪从站立、坐立转为趴卧的高危动作是导致断奶前仔猪死亡的主要原因,动作发生频率及变换方式决定了母猪的母性指数。以江苏省农林职业技术学院小梅山原种猪场饲养的小梅山母猪为研究对象,利用MPU6050传感器采集母猪哺乳期内10 d的三轴加速度数据,采用直方图统计法设置运动能量阈值,快速定位高危动作区间,以高危动作发生前后的身体姿态为特征,构建动作分类器,识别高危动作的类型。实验结果表明,对高危动作区间的标注准确率为77.4%,基于姿态的动作类型识别方法纠正了因仔猪碰撞节点产生的误标,识别准确率达到81.7%。利用2种俯卧姿态计算母猪的俯卧指数可为实现母性能力科学评价及育种提供数据依据。 The dangerous body movements( DBM) of lactating sows,such as the change from standing,sitting to lying,is a major cause for the death of pre-weaning piglets. Although,the utilities of farrowing crate and anti-crushing rail will effectively reduce the mortality caused by the DBM of lactating sows,there are still significant differences for the mortality of piglets in the same breeding environment,therefore,the difference maternal ability of individual sow will play an important role. The maternal index of sow was determined by the changing frequencies and types of these DBM. Five lactating sows of Xiao Meishan which were bred in the farm of Jiangsu Polytechnic College of Agriculture and Forestry were used in this study. Firstly,a set of monitoring node with MPU6050 and bluetooth module was tighten on the neck of a sow to collect the three-axis acceleration data during 10 d. Then,the histogram method was used to compute the threshold of the kinetic energy in order to locate the area of a DBM quickly. Finally,a classifier to identify the type of the DBM was built according to the characteristics of the body postures occurred in pre- or pro-DBM. The results showed that the accuracy of for marking DBM area for 327 samples was 77. 4%,while the accuracy of DBM recognition was 81. 7%. The main reason for the different accuracy mentioned above is that the errors caused by piglet crashing the node were corrected by the recognition algorithm of posture. Thus,the bend index of a lactating sow can be calculated further more and the data basis for the scientific evaluation of maternal ability in the breeding sow will be provided.
出处 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期266-272,共7页 Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项资金项目(201003011) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(KYZ201561) 黑龙江省青年科学基金项目(QC2014C078 QC2013C065) 江苏省产学研合作前瞻性联合创新资金项目(BY2015071-06) 黑龙江农垦总局'十二五'重点科技计划项目(HNK125B-04-06)
关键词 哺乳母猪 高危动作 识别 运动能量 直方图统计 母性指数 lactating sow dangerous body movement recognition kinetic energy histogram statistic maternal index
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