
西南山地丘陵区耕地细碎化特征及其利用效率——以贵州省草海村为例 被引量:26

Characteristic of cultivated land fragmentation and land use efficiency in southwest mountainous region:A case study of Caohai Village in Guizhou Province
摘要 采用实地调查法、文献综合法、案例研究法和数学模型法,基于农户调查数据,构建耕地细碎化及其利用效率定量模型,揭示西南山地丘陵区耕地细碎化特征及其与利用效率之间的关系,以期为土地整治规划设计中确定合理地块大小提供借鉴。研究结果:1)草海村耕地在自然细碎化和权属细碎化的叠加下,呈现出地块数量过多,承包地块面积偏小,而地块离家不是很远的特征。自然细碎化主要表现自然地块数量偏多,全村达67块,平均自然地块面积为7.0×10^4m^2;权属细碎化S指数平均值为0.84,地块距离指数平均值为0.22。2)耕作效率,承包地块面积0~1000m^2,效率随地块面积增大快速提高,提高约61%;承包地块面积1000~1500m^2,效率小幅度下降,下降近13%;承包地块1500m^2以上,耕作效率趋于稳定于0.0752m^2/s。灌溉效率在承包地块面积0~1000m^2,效率随承包地块面积增大而提高,提高近27%,在承包地块面积1500m^2以上,效率变化缓慢,稳定于0.0826m^22/s。而路程效率在步行速度一定情况下,承包地块离家越远,其效率越低。研究结论:西南山地丘陵区耕地利用效率随地块面积增大,先大幅度提高(0~1000m^2),然后变化平缓(1000~1500m^2),最后趋于稳定(〉1500m^2);因此,对于1000m^2以下的承包地块,采取土地整治、权属调整、互换并地(土地整合)、土地流转等方式促进耕地集中连片,使其承包地块面积达到1000m^2以上,极利于提高耕作效率和灌溉效率。 The purpose to this article is to provide reference of reasonable plot size for the land consolidation. A quantitative model was built to explore the features of cultivated land fragmentation in Southwest mountainous region and revealed the relationship between the cultivated land fragmentation and land use efficiency based on household survey data. Meanwhile, the methods of field survey, literature synthesis, case study and mathematics model were utilized in this paper. The results showed that: 1) There was certain characteristic with the overlay of natural and ownership fragmentation that a large number of cultivated land areas were small and the distance between home and most contracted plots was not so far away. The natural fragmentation mainly located in Caohai Village reflected existence of many natural plots; there were 67 natural plots and the average area reached 7.0 × 104 m^2 the average S index of ownership fragmentation was 0.84, the average plot distance index (PD) was 0.22.2) When contracted plot size was ranged 0- 1 000 m^2 ,the land cultivation efficiency increased rapidly with plot size increasing by about 61%, for size of land ranged 1 000- 1 500 m^2 ,efficiency varied slightly by nearly 13% and for size of land more than 1 500 m^2 , the efficiency tended to be stabilize around the 0. 075 2 m^2/s. When the contracted plot size was 0 - 1 000 m^2 , the irrigation efficiency also increased with plot size increasing by 27% ;for the contracted plot size of more than 1 500 m^2 , the efficiency remained at level of 0. 082 6 m^2/s. At constant walking speed case, it was discovered that the farther the distance between home and the contracted land, the lower the work efficiency. It is concluded that the cultivated land utilization efficiency changed with plot size in southwest mountainous region; therefore we suggested prompting land concentration through land consolidation, land property right adjustment, plot exchange (land integration) and land transfer. When the size of contracted plot
出处 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期104-113,共10页 Journal of China Agricultural University
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助:中国耕地适度规模经营模式与保障机制研究(2014RW014) 中国农业大学哲学社会科学基金资助项目(2014RW014)
关键词 山地丘陵区 细碎化 利用效率 自然地块 承包地块 农户调查 mountainous region fragmentation use efficiency natural plot contracted plot household surveys
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