
靶板材料对聚能射流跳弹角影响的数值模拟与试验 被引量:2

Numerical Simulation and Experimental Research on the Effect of Target Material on the Ricochet Angle of Shaped Charge Jet
摘要 利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件,数值模拟了金属射流以较小入射角(5°~7°)侵彻不同材料靶板(603装甲钢及铝)的跳弹过程。观察了其侵彻及跳弹的过程。结果表明,所得模拟结果与试验数据吻合。当射流头部速度为6500 m·s^(-1)时,603装甲钢的跳弹临界入射角为6°~7°,铝的跳弹临界入射角为5°~6°,随着靶板强度增大,射流跳弹角减小。射流跳弹有两个阶段,首先射流接触靶板时,射流头部发生跳弹,射流其他部分进入靶板内部;然后射流前端在靶板非对称阻力影响下运动方向发生偏转,最终跳出靶板,射流后续部分随之跳出靶板。603装甲钢跳弹与未跳弹开坑深度之比为0.389,低于铝靶的0.795,证明在跳弹情况下,随着靶板强度的提高,射流消耗在侵彻靶板、扩展弹坑上的能量减少。 The ricochet process of shaped charge jet penetration different material target, including 603 armor steel and aluminum, with a small incidence angle ranging from 5° to 7° was numerically simulated by using ANSYSlLS-DYNA software. Their penetration and ricochet process were observed. Results show that the obtained numerical simulation results are consistent with the experi- mental data. When the velocity of jet head is 6500m·s^-1 , the critical incidence angle of the ricochet is between 6° to 7°for 603 armor steel and between 5° to 6°for aluminum and the ricochet angle of jet decreases with the increase of target strength. The ricochet process of jet includes two stages: at the first, jet head ricochet takes place when jet touch target and the rest of jet invade target. Then, the direction of motion of jet front deflects under an asymmetric resistance from target and jet leave target in the end. Subsequent jet jump out of target. The crater depth ratio under the situation of ricochet and not ricochet of 603 armor steel is 0.389 and lower than that of aluminum, which is 0. 795, proving that the energy of jet consume in penetrating target crater and extended crater decreases along with the increase of target strength under the case of ricochet.
出处 《含能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期33-37,共5页 Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials
关键词 聚能射流 跳弹 靶板材料 试验 模拟 shaped charge jet ricochet target material test numerical simulation
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