HEVC是新一代视频编解码国际标准,应用前景广阔。当前HEVC标准仍在演进,但专利许可之争却已端倪出现。HEVC Advance专利池和不同的专利许可模式的出现,鲜明地体现了技术和市场早期发展阶段的"抢地盘"特征,专利许可的不确定和侵权风险已引发业界对标准实施的普遍担忧。本文调查了当前HEVC国际标准的专利披露和许可现状,分析了国际标准化组织的专利许可政策弊端。最后,本文立足于保证标准实施和维护产业竞争秩序,在制定技术体系规划、健全完善专利评估和专利池监管制度、培育行业组织、促进企业自主创新等方面提出了意见和建议。
HEVC is an international standard of the new generation video codec technology, which has wide application prospects. Now HEVC is still in evolution, but the patent licensing dispute has emerged there. The emergence of HEVC Advance and dif erent patent licensing models that are clearly rel ects the "Turf Wars" in the early development stages of technology and market.The uncertainty of patent licensing and the risk of infringement have led to general concerns over the implementation of standards. The author investigates on the status quos of the patent disclosure and license of the HEVC, and analyzes the disadvantages of patent licensing policy of the ITU and ISO/IEC. Finally, based on the guarantee of the implementation and maintenance of industrial competition order, the author propounds some suggestions about formulation of technical system planning, consummation of patent evaluation system and patent pool regulation, cultivation of fostering industry organizations, promotion of the independent innovation, etc.
Radio & TV Broadcast Engineering